
5 Things: Tuesday Thoughts

I read a quotation this morning. I often start my day by leafing through one of my motivational 'bibles' of positivity. Recently I have been incredibly busy, increasingly stressed and insufferably tired. It's all very well and good telling myself to be positive, to respect myself and to cherish my health above all else, but it is a complete different thing actually actively taking my own advice. Sometimes the hardest battle is between what you know and what you feel. I've been slipping back into a dangerous cycle that I have fought very hard to stay away from. So bearing this in mind, I decided to take a few days off. Off from blogging, off from work, off from over thinking, over analysing and over complicating. I never really had a plan for how much time I wanted to take out, but when I read this particular quotation this morning, something sparked in my head and I remembered why I began my blog in the first place;

"I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say; because of you, I didn't give up"

I didn't start my blog to be that person, I started my blog because so many other people had been that person for me. Sometimes things happen in life that are beyond our control and it is at these times that it can be harder than ever to carry on fighting. But whatever it is, it is a fight you can win. For my March 'Five Things' post I've decided to do something a little different, and share with you my five favourite quotes to help get your mind back on track:

1. People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if their light is from within.

2. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.

3. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

4. At first they'll ask you why you're doing it, later they'll ask you how.

5. You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.

I think the point of this post is to remind you (and to remind myself) to live for no one but you. Make yourself your number one priority and accept that people will criticise your choice. You will never please everyone, but pleasing yourself is a pretty good place to start.



  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful and honest post! And I agree: sometimes we tend to forget that everybody is the most important person in the own life. Wish you will overcome through this obviously very hard time in your life as soon as possible. I experienced for myself that the hard times in my life - although I didn't like them - were in the end necessary for my own development and life. All the best to you!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. aw what a lovely comment, thank you so much! xx

  2. Great post! We often forget to think of ourselves and it's something we need to be reminded about. I hope the stress ends soon :) x

  3. A wonderful and inspiring post as always - somehow you always manage to post the things I really need to read at the time I need to read them most! I'm at a real crossroads in my life at the moment and I'm not really sure what direction I'm going to end up taking. There's so much that I want to do and achieve and I'm finally finding the confidence to make the changes I want to my blog but where 'real life' is concerned its taking me a little longer. I think I tend to forget to focus on what I really want as opposed to things I need, such as the ability to pay the bills, and therefore forget to take the all important me time that I need to. xo

    | LJLV |

    1. aw your comments never fail to make me smile!! I feel the same with regards to the crossroads, I guess its just a part of life that we both have to push through. I really hope things work out for you xxx

  4. I love that quote too. I love helping other people, but I need to remember to look after myself as well.

    1. It's so hard to get the balance right xx

  5. Love these quotes, especially the stained glass one. Take as much time as you need - you deserve it!


  6. I have always loved "At first they'll ask you why you're doing it, later they'll ask you how." Surpassing the fear of judgement and embracing the less conventional path can lead to true success :) Many people never uncover this truth in their lifetime.

    By Love (And Wine)

    1. I've only recently discovered that quote but i think its so inspiring xx

  7. Awesome, great points to share. I love the fact that we share the same belief in not pleasing others. Keep writing and don't quit blogging :)

  8. This was such a lovely post to read! Very inspirational :)


  9. I actually needed this thank you and I love your blog so much :)


  10. Great post, I'm so inspired of it! Thank you and, of course, keep moving forward. I believe in you!


  11. I've never heard the quote "At first they'll ask you why you're doing it, later they'll ask you how" but it's so motivational, I've written it in the cover of my notebook! Great post Amy xx

    HOW I WEAR | A Manchester Style & Beauty Blog

  12. I really needed this today so thank you! <3
    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  13. This is so great! I definitely needed to read something like this today, amazing.

    Cassie xx

  14. I really like this post very sincere and pure. Thank you! xx


  15. Nice reminders Amy <3



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